Create Your Own Retreat

Prayers, quotes, and resources so you can create your own moment of inspiration and renewal.

Rituals are a powerful way to say goodbye to one phase and open the door to a new one. Try these simple rituals.


A prayer & reflection about thanking God for the most basic things and asking for help when it takes effort to be grateful.


Gratitude is a discipline and a way of life. Open your heart to a grateful way of living with these inspiring quotes.


Finding inner peace is a choice we can make in every moment of the day. Here is a list of quick practices to help.

Gratitude does not always come naturally. With practice, you can find a more grateful way of living.


If life feels too rushed or too overwhelming, take a moment and reflect with this prayer for balance.


Spiritual direction is often suggested in our retreats. Here is an explanation and ways to find one.

When there are no words to pray, try breathing in God’s love with this simple yet beautiful breath prayer.

God created us to help one another, which is important now more than ever. Reflect with this quiz on reaching out.