Monthly Retreat Reflections

Finding God in the ups and downs of life.

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Christine Jurisich Christine Jurisich

Fasting and Feasting

It is common to focus on giving something up during Lent. This time of fasting can help us outgrow unhealthy habits or attitudes that get in the way of our relationship with God. Yet there is much to be gained from tending to feasting as well. I invite you to ponder on the following fasting and feasting suggestions this Lent.

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Christine Jurisich Christine Jurisich

Everyday We Begin Again

“Every day we begin again” can speak to your journey of mercy, forgiveness, acceptance, compassion, new ideas, dreams, and second chances. It serves as a reminder to give yourself and others a fresh start. 

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Christine Jurisich Christine Jurisich

New Word, New Commitment

As we begin this new year, I am thinking a lot about the word “commitment.” How do you react when you hear the word commitment? What is your relationship with commitments? I invite you to reflect on this as you reflect on your intentions and how you want to enter into the new year.

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Christine Jurisich Christine Jurisich

She Said Yes

On this cusp of Advent, let us stand hushed, anticipating, and still, and peer inside each reflection offered to us.  Imagine, listen, ponder, attend. Mary’s yes, at the intersection of heaven and earth, is not just a moment in time; it transcends time and empowers the future, a future of which we are a part.  “The one thing she did and does is the one thing we all have to do, to bear Christ into the world,”

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Christine Jurisich Christine Jurisich

The Name of God is Mercy

At a time when there is so much suffering, and when people are focused on divisive political issues and beliefs, let us focus on the God of Mercy, our theme for this month. Spending time with the God of Mercy can soften our hearts and help us find common ground with those who are from a different religion or country, or who hold a different belief system.

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Christine Jurisich Christine Jurisich

Your Sacred Space

What has been life-sustaining for me in my most stressful times? My Sacred Space. God is everywhere, both within us and around us. You do not need a physical place to connect with the Divine, yet there is something special about having a physical place that brings an awareness of God in a more intentional way.

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Christine Jurisich Christine Jurisich

Your Divine Rhythm

If you are feeling tired, overwhelmed by your inbox, or just plain down right now, I invite you to pause for a moment. Notice the rhythm within you and around you.

Start by recognizing the natural rhythm of your breath. Inhale. Exhale. There is a reason we feel out of tune when life gets busy.

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Christine Jurisich Christine Jurisich

Go and Create!

Connecting with your creativity is about opening the door to allow this Creator God to be The Creator in you. Unleash. Hold nothing back. Be undeniably you. All of you. And see what happens.

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Christine Jurisich Christine Jurisich

Isolation and The Gift of Listening

Too many people live lonely and isolated lives. Some are isolated at home. Others feel lonely in their viewpoints at a time when shaming has become a sport on social media and TV; it can feel unsafe to share. Many are yearning for community, yet feel dissatisfied with their church communities. How can we help ourselves and each other live more connected lives? We can start by listening (to ourselves and others) in a new way.

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Christine Jurisich Christine Jurisich

Sacred Nature

How many consecutive days have you spent living in a human-made world without reconnecting with your first mother, Earth? Do not judge your answer; just notice. Give yourself time to pause and go outside. Be open to re-connecting with Mother Earth.

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Christine Jurisich Christine Jurisich

A New Conversation

Experience the Bible story of the Woman at the Well (John 4:1-42) in a new light. Recognize this story as one that holds the longest-running conversation between Jesus and anyone in the Bible. I am having a new conversation with Jesus through this story. I invite you to be open to a new one as well.

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Christine Jurisich Christine Jurisich

Let Your God Love You

Let Your God Love You is the title of a prayer by Edwina Gately and the inspiration behind one of my prayer practices. I invite you to let this beautiful phrase inspire you to connect with the gentleness of God.

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Christine Jurisich Christine Jurisich

Your Word

I invite you to chose a word for 2024. I like this exercise because it is not about creating a goal or adding one more thing to your “to-do” list. It is about being attentive and listening. What are your values and desires when making choices with your time and energy throughout the year?

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Christine Jurisich Christine Jurisich

Talking about God

How do you start a conversation about God? Is there a way to do so without sounding preachy? In what ways can you tell if your sharing is appreciated or offensive? The holiday season often brings more gatherings than usual with family and friends we do not see regularly. Are you wanting to share your faith with them?

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Christine Jurisich Christine Jurisich

Embrace Your Questions

What do you do when your questions have no answers? Or no good answers? When no answers bring comfort? Sit with them. Pray with them. Place them with Jesus’ questions.

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Christine Jurisich Christine Jurisich

Transitions & Transformations

A life change rocks your world. You feel as if you are in a state of free fall. You ask yourself, What happened to my security?

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Christine Jurisich Christine Jurisich

Harmony & Wholeness

It is easy to become focused on our individual roles in life. How are you connected to the whole?

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Holy Trinity Christine Jurisich Holy Trinity Christine Jurisich

The Dance of Life

Dancing. The Holy Trinity. Embracing joy and mystery. I have a lot to share in this reflection as I invite you to dance for the joys of life and with the awareness of the beauty of life—in all its mystery. Dance with an awareness that however you are moving through life right now, God in all the dynamic and mysterious ways of the Holy Trinity is dancing with you.

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Hope Christine Jurisich Hope Christine Jurisich


Hope is the belief in your eternal value. The belief in a God who is present with unconditional love for you. This definition is rooted in your relationship with God. It does not include circumstances. Nor does it say anything about things turning out as planned. Hope is not optimism, nor is it wishful thinking. It is a deep knowing—mind, body, and soul—that no matter what happens, God will be there for you.

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Take a Retreat Right Now: A Moment of Peace