The Journey Within
Weekly Themes and Descriptions
Week One
Monday: The Breath of Life
Recognize the Journey Within as a journey of growing closer to your true self and closer to God.
Practice using your breath as a touchpoint for the journey within.
Wednesday: Once Upon a Time
Embrace your life story.
Reflect on where you are on your journey.
Friday: Opening the Door
Ground your journey within with scripture.
Do you find yourself playing hide and seek with God?
Prayer Practice for Week One
Breath Prayer
Week Two
Monday: Rest in Silence
What is the true self?
How can resting in silence help us discover our authenticity?
Wednesday: Rest in Truth
What is the false self?
What are the roles and titles you most identify with? How are you more than those roles and titles?
Friday: Rest in Goodness
Discover your inherent goodness as foundational to your true self.
Prayer Practice for Week Two
Introduction to Centering Prayer
Week Three
Monday: My Experiences
How do your life experiences contribute to your image of God?
Wednesday: My God
Reflect on your image and experience of God.
Friday: My Growth
What do you do when your image of God no longer makes sense?
Prayer Practice for Week Three
Deeper Invitation to Centering Prayer
Week Four
Monday: Be Love
The fruit of the journey within is love.
How can you “be love?”
Wednesday: Give Love
God’s love is mercy, empathy, and service.
How are you called to extend God’s love to others?
Friday: Go Forth in Love
Reflect and share your experience of the four weeks.
What are you called to take away from this retreat? How are you called to be a “Fifth Gospel?”
Prayer Practice for Week Four
Loving Kindness Meditation
The Journey Within
March, 22 - April 17, 2021
Cost: $40