Monthly Retreat Reflections
Finding God in the ups and downs of life.
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Resurrected Life Every Day
It is Palm Sunday, a day of celebrating Jesus’s entry into Jerusalem, palms waving, crowds cheering. It feels festive, and there is a sense of anticipation for we know what is to come, Holy Week and the crux of our faith, the Resurrection of Christ. This is a season where our faith is at the forefront of our lives, a very holy time. In an Easter sermon, St. Augustine preached about being “Easter People”, a call to live resurrected life every day. Believing Jesus rose from the dead, we are called to live in the resurrection every single day. Not just during the holy seasons of Lent and Holy Week. Not only when we feel like it. Every. Single. Day.
Unearthing a New Word
What is your word for 2023? The invitation to focus on a new word for the year has become a January ritual for Retreat, Reflect, Renew. Every year I get excited to share this question with you and listen to your intentions here in the comments space and during our Sacred Circles. I like this exercise because it is not about the need to have a goal or add one more thing onto the “to-do” list. Being attentive to one word can help remind you of your values and desires when making choices with your time and energy. It is your invitation to continually check in with how God is calling you into health and wholeness.
Roots of Faith
These days we are nearly back to the social merry go round of pre-covid days, looking ahead and filling our calendars with gatherings and events. Life feels full, and I notice that much of my time and energy involves planning for the future. There is an expectation to schedule, get it done, check it off, and move on to the next thing.
Letting Go
We are all inescapably called to let go at certain points in our lives. Retiring, moving, sending the kids out into the world, all require this act of releasing that which we love. Sometimes the rug is violently ripped out from under our feet. At these times we wonder, who am I without this person that I loved? Who am I without my home and community? Some letting go is invisible to others. It is an inside job, like a spiritual awakening, private and personal.
Desire for Community
After hearing your reaction to last month’s reflection (“Let’s Talk about Church”), I realize there is a lot more to talk about. A common theme emerged from your feedback: many who struggle with church do so because they have a deep desire for community. And with good reason. Community can help us get through the roughest times in life.
Let’s Talk about Church
Practicing your faith in a changing world is challenging no matter what religion. Whether you are happy with your church, feeling empty without one, or fall somewhere in between, I offer you my personal story in the hopes of opening up a safe place to talk about this issue that is weighing heavy on so many hearts.
What is in Your Heart?
Throughout this month, our Sunday reflections will offer an invitation for you to answer some “Questions of the Heart” in the form below. Your thoughts and feelings will help all of us here at Retreat, Reflect, Renew as we discern how we are called to respond to this constantly changing world and the many people who are seeking community.
Pilgrims: Keep Walking
When you commit to a journey of faith, you are on a lifelong pilgrimage, persevering through the ups and downs of life step-by-step. You are forever a pilgrim walking into the light.