Monthly Retreat Reflections
Finding God in the ups and downs of life.
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Isolation and The Gift of Listening
Too many people live lonely and isolated lives. Some are isolated at home. Others feel lonely in their viewpoints at a time when shaming has become a sport on social media and TV; it can feel unsafe to share. Many are yearning for community, yet feel dissatisfied with their church communities. How can we help ourselves and each other live more connected lives? We can start by listening (to ourselves and others) in a new way.
Desire for Community
After hearing your reaction to last month’s reflection (“Let’s Talk about Church”), I realize there is a lot more to talk about. A common theme emerged from your feedback: many who struggle with church do so because they have a deep desire for community. And with good reason. Community can help us get through the roughest times in life.
What is in Your Heart?
Throughout this month, our Sunday reflections will offer an invitation for you to answer some “Questions of the Heart” in the form below. Your thoughts and feelings will help all of us here at Retreat, Reflect, Renew as we discern how we are called to respond to this constantly changing world and the many people who are seeking community.